Start With Why: Why You Do What You Do Matters Most
People are Attracted to Your Cause
Start With Why: Why You Do What You Do Matters Most
I used to co-run a clothing company called Daydreamin’ Clothing LLC right out of college. It was simple, we wanted to put cool art on a shirt and sell it. Pretty compelling right? Here lies the problem, we didn't start with Why we wanted to do this in the first place.It never took off like we planned because we lacked the driving force and were so focused on What we did.
Would you like to own the original drawing?
After recently reading Simon Sinek’s book, “It All Starts With Why,” it clicked why it never took off in the 4 years of building it. We had the drive and I knew I was capable of great work, but it’s not about what you do that matters, it’s why you do it.It all starts with Why.I want to share the importance of starting with Why and understanding the Golden Circle concept. These will let you communicate your Why, How and What in the correct order to inspire action.Knowing this will elevate your creative career to new heights.
The Golden Circle
When was the last time you thought about Why you were doing something or Why your art, brand, service or product existed?That’s where the Golden Circle comes into play.Imagine you’ve drawn a 3 ring target:
The outside circle is labeled What.
The second circle is labeled How.
The inner third circled is labeled Why.
Start With Why: Why You Do What You Do Matters Most
The majority of us work from the outside in when approaching our work. Meaning we lead off with What we do and How we do it and we fully neglect the reason Why we do it in the first place.You must start with Why.
Picture your Why as a light shining in the night with insects swarming around it. The stronger the light, the more insects are attracted to it. The stronger your Why, the more people will be attracted to it as they see themselves in the cause or belief you are shining brightly.Your shining Why is the internal driving force that gets you out of bed each day. It gives you a purpose.It is your vision that allows you to inspire people to act on and support your beliefs.It provides context for everything that you do, and everything you do or say needs to clearly communicate back to the Why. This is why it’s important to start with Why.
When you know Why you do what you do, How will you do it?Your How is the infrastructure and plan to your Why. It’s How you go about your mission and the guiding values and principles that will help you achieve that future-focused vision.It’s How you champion your cause or belief.
Finally, what do you do to accomplish that mission?What’s are the results of How you act. They provide tangible proof of your Why in all the things you think, act and communicate.Your What is external and is the easiest thing people can identify. It’s so easy that that’s why people tend to start with What they do instead of Why.
Start With Why
Start With Why: Why You Do What You Do Matters Most
I said it earlier but it’s worth repeating, “it’s not about What you do that matters, it’s Why you do it.”People buy the Why, not the What. They are attracted to someone who believes in something and wants to bring a compelling cause to life. People support the cause because they see themselves in it or want to be associated with something bigger than themselves.On August 28, 1963, over 250,000 civil right supporters didn’t show up on the Lincoln Memorial steps because of Martin Luther King, Jr. the person. They swarmed around him because of his shining Why. They were there because they believed in his cause and saw themselves in it, to bring about equality of mankind.That day, he inspired an entire nation because of his Why.Why you do something matters the most.
My Why
I’ve been struggling with a lack of clarity ever since I began Perspective-Collective. I’ve only told you What I do and How I do it.If I didn’t know Why I did it, how would anyone else?This is a new season in my life where I want to make a bigger impact with my vision and mission. I’m more than art, that is simply one thing I do to champion my cause.I now start with Why.Why: My driving force each day is to help people like you find creative fulfillment so you can experience life on your own terms. I believe that it’s a win-win situation—when you succeed, I succeed as well.How: My mission is to make an impact on as many people as possible in my lifetime through my values of serving, optimism and being open-minded.Through my guiding values and principles, I will know How to act in any situation as it all stems from my Why.What: What I will do to accomplish this message is champion my cause through my art, writing and my voice (drawing, blog and podcast).Everything I think, act and communicate will always reflect on my Why. My Why provides the context for all that I do.
My Challenge to You
First off, read or listen to Simon Sinek's “It All Starts With Why.” I can’t recommend this enough as it’s completely shifted my mindset.Second, before you pursue anything, start with Why.Why you do what you do matters most and is How you will inspire action.Working inside out with the Golden Circle concept will produce more clarity on how you can elevate your creative career.
Key Takeaways
It’s not about what you do that matters, it’s why you do it.
Your Why is the internal driving force that gets you out of bed each day.
Your Why provides the context for all that you do.
Your How is the infrastructure and plan to your Why.
What’s provide tangible proof of your Why in all the things you think, act and communicate.
Perspective-Collections: Own the Original Drawing
Each week, I create a one-off drawing that serves as the face of my blog posts. My goal is to help you get through your everyday struggles as a creative and I'd like these drawings to serve as your daily visual reminder. You now have the opportunity to invest in the original 1/1 drawing to push you through the tough times.You can purchase this week's drawing here or view the entire selection below.[button open_new_tab="true" color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="" text="View Selection" color_override=""]